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Welcome to the official Jessy Tomsko website. Hailing from New York City, Jessy Tomsko has a love for music that transcends the simple pop tunes that plague much of today’s music scene. With her heartfelt lyrics and self-penned melodies, Jessy celebrates life and love in her acoustic renditions brought to life on the many stages of New York City.
Jessy’s love for music stretches back to early childhood where she became enamoured with writing short poems and stories, and shortly began to add music to the equation by composing little piano pieces. These early ventures into music cumulated in picking up the guitar in her late teens, and deciding then and there that she wanted to focus on music and pursue a career of her own. After some time spent earning a degree in classical singing, Jessy returned to writing music, reigning in her creative capabilities and challenging herself as a singer-song writer.